
Judas' Betrayal - Fresco by Giotto

Judas' Betrayal - Fresco by Giotto Philosophy Visual Arts

This fresco, by Giotto di Bondone, is from the Life of Christ series at the Arena Chapel (Cappella Scrovegni) in Padua, Italy.  Giotto created it between 1304-06.  

In this scene (number 28 in the series), Judas (who is holding a money bag) has made a deal with the religious leaders to betray his friend, Jesus.  Note the figure in black, which Giotto has painted behind Judas.  It is his representation of Satan.  

Click on the image for a more expansive view.

Media Credits

Image online, courtesy Web Gallery of Art.


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"Judas' Betrayal - Fresco by Giotto" AwesomeStories.com. Oct 07, 2013. Jul 04, 2024.
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