
Search for the Northwest Passage

Search for the Northwest Passage Tragedies and Triumphs Biographies Famous Historical Events Famous People Geography Social Studies Visual Arts World History

Searching for the Northwest Passage, in the Canadian Arctic, was difficult work.  Beyond the cold, ships were frequently trapped in ice.

This image was created by Captain George F. Lyon who commanded the Hecla, a ship which took part in an 1821-1823 expedition led by Captain William E. Parry.  It is part of the Journey of Second Voyage for Discovery of NorthWest Passage by W.E.Parry, published in London during 1825.

Captain Lyon was very interested in the Inuit.  He referred to them as "a people entirely separate from the rest of the world.”  In addition to this drawing, Lyon’s journals contain many different prints and drawings about 19th-century Inuit and their way of life.

Media Credits

Image described above, online courtesy Toronto Public Library - Virtual Exhibits - "Frozen Ocean - Search for the North-West Passage."



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