
The Goodwin Family

The Goodwin Family, all passengers on the RMS Titanic

The Goodwin family - two parents and six children - were traveling on the Titanic during the ship's maiden voyage.  They were steerage passengers who all perished when the ship sank.

Each member of the family is pictured above except for the youngest child, 19-month-old Sidney Leslie Goodwin.  Their names (and ages at time of death) are (from left to right):      

  • William (13);  
  • Frederick (40); 
  • Charles E. (14); 
  • Lilian (16); 
  • Augusta (40); 
  • Jessie (12); 
  • Harold (10) is at the center of the photo.  
Only one body of the entire Goodwin family was recovered at the wreck scene.

Media Credits

Image online, courtesy Wikimedia Commons.


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