Locate Academic Alignments For - 12 Years a Slave

Awesome Stories Asset: Story - 12 Years a Slave

Academic Alignment Authority: Washington

Subject Matter / Course: Language Arts

The following academic standards have been aligned to 12 Years a Slave

Your standards are shown below
Showing 10 standard(s)
Language Arts
12 Years a Slave
Ages: 14, 15
Read professional-level materials, including electronic information, that match career or academic interests and demonstrate understanding of the content.
Language Arts
12 Years a Slave
Ages: 14, 15
Draw conclusions from grade-level text (e.g., the most important idea the author is trying to make in the story/poem/selection, what inspiration might be drawn from the story/poem/selection, who might benefit from reading the story/poem/selection).
Language Arts
12 Years a Slave
Ages: 14, 15
Monitor for meaning and use comprehension repair strategies to regain meaning independently.
Language Arts
12 Years a Slave
Ages: 13
Draw conclusions from grade-level text (e.g., the most important idea the author is trying to make in the story/poem/selection, what inspiration might be drawn from the story/poem/selection, who might benefit from reading the story/poem/selection).
Language Arts
12 Years a Slave
Ages: 12
Draw conclusions from grade-level text (e.g., the most important idea the author is trying to make in the story/poem/selection, what inspiration might be drawn from the story/poem/selection, who might benefit from reading the story/poem/selection).
Language Arts
12 Years a Slave
Ages: 12
Interpret and draw conclusions from grade-level appropriate text features such as maps, charts, tables, and graphs, etc. (e.g., given a bar graph on how a demographic group spends its money, draw a conclusion about how the group spends its time).
Language Arts
12 Years a Slave
Ages: 11
Draw a conclusion from grade-level text (e.g., what is the most important idea the author is trying to make in the story/poem/selection, how the selection might be useful to someone who wanted to do something related) and provide details to support the answer.
Language Arts
12 Years a Slave
Ages: 10
Interpret and draw conclusions from grade-level appropriate text features such as maps, charts, tables, and graphs, etc. (e.g., given a table of precipitation and temperatures across the country, draw a conclusion about which cities would receive snow).
Language Arts
12 Years a Slave
Ages: 8
Self-select books to read at an instructional level and an independent level.
Language Arts
12 Years a Slave
Ages: 8
Draw a conclusion from grade-level text (e.g., how the story or information might be useful, to whom the story or information might be useful) and support with evidence from the text.

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