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Apollo 13 - Splash Down in the Pacific

Apollo 13 - Splash Down in the Pacific American History Disasters Famous Historical Events Film Aviation & Space Exploration STEM Tragedies and Triumphs Ethics

Despite many worrisome hours, including periods of time when Apollo 13's crew members were unable to communicate with Mission Control, the astronauts were able to land in the Pacific Ocean.  A positive conclusion to the mission occurred because people on the ground closely collaborated with people in space to repair what could have been a fatal problem. 

The crew had to abort their moon landing, but that was a small price to pay for successfully returning to Earth.

This image depicts the Apollo 13 spacecraft after it splashed-down in the Pacific.

Media Credits

Image, described above, online courtesy NASA.




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"Apollo 13 - Splash Down in the Pacific" Oct 07, 2013. Mar 17, 2025.
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