
Titanic - J. Dawson, from Dublin

Titanic passenger J. Dawson, from Dublin, noted as victim #227 and identified from papers on his body

Body #227 - recovered at sea after Titanic sank - was identified by the papers found on him.  In life, he was J. Dawson, from Dublin.

Senan Molony uncovered both this picture and the history of Joseph Dawson, a 23-year-old trimmer (coal shoveler) who worked aboard Titanic on her maiden voyage.  When this photo was taken, in 1911, Dawson was wearing the uniform of the Royal Army Medical Corps.

Media Credits

Photo of Joseph Dawson, courtesy Senan Molony, online via Encyclopedia-Titanica.org.


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"Titanic - J. Dawson, from Dublin" AwesomeStories.com. Oct 07, 2013. Mar 02, 2025.
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