Student Stories Chapters

A collection of stories written by students using the StoryMaker app.

You can learn the events leading up to the overthrow of the Hawaiian Nation.

This story talks about places like the Lighthouse of Alexandria and how they were destroyed.

Ancient times is why earth is the way it looks today

I like this wonder of the world because it has a mysterious background and it has a very interesting story attached to it.

Ever wondered about the wonder of the amazing Great Pyramid of Egypt and its origin?

I have always been fascinated with ancient Egypt, so I thought this wonder was the one for me.

A story about the Great Pyramid of Giza by Aaron Anderson and Kara Rutledge

This story is about two countries that have a little argument over freedom and taxes!

It is very informative to know about the ancient statue of Zeus which once stood in Olympia, Greece.

In this story two sixth grade students explore several of the Ancient Seven Wonders of the World.

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