Student Stories Chapters

A collection of stories written by students using the StoryMaker app.

I chose this story because it was a very happy, and loving story that warms me inside that a king would do this for his beautiful wife.

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are very unique and special.

This story is about the hanging gardens of Babylon.

Read more to find out what the Hanging Gardens of Babylon is

its a beautiful place to observe and learn about

Read our story to find out more about The Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

A story about one of the most beautiful and interesting Seven Wonders of The Ancient World.

One of the most beautiful and want to know about stories of The Seven Wonders of The World

facts about the hanging gardens of babylon

This story describes the Hanging Gardens of Babylon

This "wonder" was chosen by us so we can share our knowledge about it with others.

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