African American History Chapters

Descendants of African-Americans who began their lives in America as kidnapped slaves were then deprived of civil rights by "Jim Crow" laws. Leaders inspired others to overcome racial prejudice and legal obstacles. These stories highlight the ups and downs of black history.

South Carolina History Standard 8-5.5 Compare Industrial development in South Carolina to the rest of the United States

Former slaves tell of the pain of losing their families to slave trading. Because America had chattel slavery, where people were treated like property...

The Tuskegee airmen in WWII fly mission as the 99th Pursuit Squad.

Douglass travels to speak and write against slavery, and becomes friends with other famous abolitionists William Lloyd Garrison and John Brown.

Captives on La Amistad fight back and take over the ship. Becoming free, however, is a much-more complicated process.

Edwin Epps orders Platt (Solomon Northup) to beat Patsey, another slave. When Platt defies Epps' wishes, for an even-worse beating, Epps cruelly whip...

The Bowery (meaning "farm" in Dutch) changes from a rural place to a jammed area with poor immigrants.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was the first major civil rights law since Reconstruction

Baseball's first "Colored World Series" takes place in October of 1924. Why did this happen?

Harriet Tubman began to conduct slave escapes using the Undergound Railroad.

Standard 8-3.1 The tensions between the Upcountry and Lowcountry and the economic struggles the state faced.

The original Emancipation Proclamation resides at the National Archives; Lincoln's copy burns in the Great Fire of Chicago in 1871.

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