African American History Chapters

Descendants of African-Americans who began their lives in America as kidnapped slaves were then deprived of civil rights by "Jim Crow" laws. Leaders inspired others to overcome racial prejudice and legal obstacles. These stories highlight the ups and downs of black history.

The Navy plans to retire Brashear from active duty, but he endorses his own orders to go back to diving school.

Can black children be barred from attending publicly supported schools?

After the Civil War ends, the desire to forget slavery almost causes the stories to be lost, but the government steps in.

The U.S. Washington recaptures the Amistad captives when their ship is in New York waters.

Without justice or due process, Celia is hanged on December 21, 1855 for murdering her rapist and owner.

Jackie Robinson is politically independent but fights for civil rights.

SC Standards 8-4.2: Analyze how sectionalism arose from racial tension, including the Denmark Vesey Plot, slave codes, and the growth of the abolitio...

Wilberforce and others who oppose slavery struggle to convince the public to outlaw slavery.

Jackie Robinson faces charges of being disrespectful to investigating officers, rather than refusing to move to the rear of the bus.

When Douglass dies suddenly in 1895, he leaves a legacy that influences later fighters for equality such as the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Examine questions and discussion topics about the life and legacy of Beatrix Potter.

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