African American History Story Briefs

Descendants of African-Americans who began their lives in America as kidnapped slaves were then deprived of civil rights by "Jim Crow" laws. Leaders inspired others to overcome racial prejudice and legal obstacles. These stories highlight the ups and downs of black history.

Wendell Phillips (1811-1884) was an orator (among other things) who spoke publicly against slavery.

Wendell Smith - a reporter for the Pittsburgh Courier at the time Jack Robinson was playing baseball for the Kansas City Monarchs (a "Negro-League" te...

Gwendolyn Brooks (1917-2000) was born 21 years after the United States Supreme Court declared that "separate but equal" - between whites and people of...

Mahalia Jackson sings "We Shall Overcome" during her European Tour of 1971. She is in failing health when she gives this performance.

"We Shall Overcome" became the rally cry of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s.

Using a block and tackle to get a sperm whale's head on board ship, crewmen remove whale oil (spermaceti) from the sperm whale's case.

After the U.S. Supreme Court issued its school-desegregation opinion inBrown v Board of Education(1954) - impacting not just theschool in Topeka, Kans...

William Seward survived the attack by Lewis Powell (Payne), but it left him permanently disfigured.

Even when he was very young, William personally helped escaping slaves and is known as the "Father of the Underground Railroad."

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