American History Audios

America - still a young country by world standards - began as an experiment in self-government. This collection includes stories of America's people as they follow a path of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

Samuel Gompers was head of the AFL union when he gave a speech in support of America's involvement in World War I.

This "unsolved crime" radio show - "Somebody Knows" - was aired by the Columbia Broadcasting Company.

In this audio-clip, we hear the Star-Spangled Banner as it would have sounded in 1854.

The words of Francis Scott Key's poem (The Star-Spangled Banner) were set to the music of a popular English tune known as To Anacreon in Heaven.

Until she was nearly seven, Helen could not communicate with anyone except by her own sign language.

Taps is a 24-note bugle call which marks one of two events:  It signals that all unauthorized lights must be extinguished.  This is the l...

When she was 11, Helen wrote a story she thought was her own, and "The Frost King" was published by the director of the Perkins Institute.

At the age of seven, Helen Keller experienced her first real Christmas.

This audio clip, in which Theodore Roosevelt talks about social and industrial justice, is from "A Confession of Faith," an address which TR originall...

On the 30th of October, 1938, Orson Welles - through his Mercury Theatre on the Air - broadcast an adapted, radio dramatization of the novel, War of t...

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