American History Chapters

America - still a young country by world standards - began as an experiment in self-government. This collection includes stories of America's people as they follow a path of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

President Kennedy's response to the Soviet Union, to resolve the Cuban Missile Crisis, has two versions. One is public, the other is private.

With the blessing of the U.S. Supreme Court, in Plessy v. Ferguson, the South continues to legally practice racial inequality as a way of life.

A mere six weeks into his second term, Lincoln becomes the first President assassinated.

Eyewitness accounts tell the terrifying experience of this unexpected 8.3 magnitude quake.

Czolgosz shoots McKinley two times, gravely wounding him, but McKinley's main concern is about his wife.

A receipts ledger with Capone's name on it shows profits from his gambling house; it is enough evidence to charge him with income tax evasion.

Jesse is born inClay County,Missouri, on September 5, 1847, and loses his father at a young age.

Within hours of each other, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams die on July 4, 1826, - fifty years to the day that the Declaration of Independence is sign...

Guiteau shoots the President twice, resulting in a back wound that later becomes infected and kills Garfield.

Lincoln's election marks the beginning of many assassination threats and plots.

Frank runs away and decides to fake a career as an airline pilot; he is 16 years old.

A former slave named Sarah Gudger tells of the things she experienced in her 121 years of life.

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