American History Chapters

America - still a young country by world standards - began as an experiment in self-government. This collection includes stories of America's people as they follow a path of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

View photographs from the U.S. National Archives of the birth of the World Trade Center.

By 1860, Louis Prang is mass-producing small trade cards to introduce, or advertise, products.

It's October 3, 1993 and a Black Hawk chopper - Super 64 - is flying over Mogadishu. Soon thereafter, the crew tries to recover hurt or dead soldiers....

The helicopters sent to Somalia are Black Hawks; they have many uses including carrying troops and weapons.

Black maids raise white children as their own but are still treated as inferiors.

Bobby Jones is one of the greatest golfers during the Great Depression.

Bobby meets privatelywiththeSoviet Ambassador to discuss a deal to end the Cuban missile crisis.

Witnesses see a shootout which leaves Wyatt Earp, who is armed, completely uninjured.

Witnesses describe the shootout that left Wyatt Earp the only armed person who remained unscathed.

75 years ago, an atomic bomb, known as "Little Boy," devastates the Japanese city of Hiroshima and its people on August 6, 1945.

An atomic bomb called "Fat Man" detonates above the Japanese city of Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. Less than a week later, Japan surrenders, ending WWII...

Police find paper wrappings, cartridges, a rifle and fingerprints on the sixth floor of the Dallas School Book Depository.

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