American History Chapters

America - still a young country by world standards - began as an experiment in self-government. This collection includes stories of America's people as they follow a path of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

George Pollard, a Nantucket-based whaler whose first command was the whaling ship Essex, made a series of mistakes soon after leaving the harbor in Au...

After a 12-day manhunt, Booth is tracked down and killed.

The U.S. Washington recaptures the Amistad captives when their ship is in New York waters.

Carl Hanratty is the FBI agent in the movie who first catches Abagnale, but he is able to escape.

After the papers are made public, Ellsberg and Russo are tried, but the case is dismissed.

The Marines battle 10,000 Japanese soldiers hiding in caves and other dug in areas; there are many casualties on both sides.

Thousands of Japanese die on Saipan; Americans suffer many losses as well.

Many Huguenots come to America so they can worship as they see fit.

Both Catholics and Protestants use death and torture to convince people that their religion is the only one.

As America's frontier moved farther and farther west, the definition of "west" changed. At the end of the Civil War, "west" included Texas, Arkansas, ...

The real life Carl Hanratty, Joe Shea, catches Frank, but believes he has a career helping the FBI catch con men just like him.

At the age of 20, the police in France catch Abagnale when an airline attendant sees and reports him.

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