American History Chapters

America - still a young country by world standards - began as an experiment in self-government. This collection includes stories of America's people as they follow a path of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

Read a poem about the life of Daniel Perez Cueva, a 21 year-old junior in International Studies.

David Karnes and Jason Thomas help find and pull survivors from the wreckage after the towers fall; Jimeno and McLoughlin are the last saved.

Alamo defenders continue to seek help even until the morning of March 6, 1836. Susanna Dickinson lives and recounts what she hears at dawn when the ba...

February 19, 1945 is the day US marines land on Iwo Jima. They soon face incredible resistance from hiding Japanese soldiers, and many Marines die.

Many of the principal commanders and troops are likely to die in the dangerous invasion of Normandy's beaches.

The Bowery Boys help the police enforce an anti-saloon law, but a riot breaks-out, led by the Dead Rabbits gang.

As soldiers rescue Black Hawk Super 64's crew, they are overtaken by a Somali mob who drags one soldier's body through the city. Another soldier is he...

When Douglass dies suddenly in 1895, he leaves a legacy that influences later fighters for equality such as the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Chinese army encircles US Marine divisions at the Chosin Reservoir, kills many, and forces them to retreat.

As US relief troops march towards LZ Albany, North Vietnamese hide behind giant anthills and ambush them.

Dillinger is shot and killed after attending the film "Manhattan Melodrama" at the Biograph Theater in Chicago.

By order of General Washington, John Andre hangs for treason for helping Benedict Arnold.

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