American History Chapters

America - still a young country by world standards - began as an experiment in self-government. This collection includes stories of America's people as they follow a path of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

Does Mary know that Booth, her son John, and others are meeting at her boardinghouse to plot the kidnapping of the president?

8-4.1 Importance of agriculture in antebellum South Carolina

As a sign of freedom, the colonies begin printing their own money.

As a sign of freedom, the American colonies begin printing their own money.

The court vindicates Boone, but he leaves Kentucky and never gets over the criminal accusations which had been leveled against him.

President Kennedy's Executive Committee (Ex Comm) is a group of senior advisors who meet with JFK throughout the missile crisis.

Surratt, Herold, Atzeroat, and Payne hang on July 7, 1865, Surratt's guilt still in doubt.

Guiteau proclaims his innocence, saying he followed instructions from God, up until he is hung.

Benedict Arnold sails to Britain and the other side of the war, while his accomplice John Andre hangs.

Many plead for mercy, but Mary Surratt and three other conspirators hang on July 7, 1865.

Per General Washington's orders, John Andre (the British spy) hangs for treason. The spy the Commander-in-Chief really wants to capture and execute - ...

75 years ago - on 19 Feb 1942 - FDR signs Executive Order 9066 allowing military action against Japanese-American citizens.

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