American History Chapters

America - still a young country by world standards - began as an experiment in self-government. This collection includes stories of America's people as they follow a path of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

Forty Marines capture Mt. Suribachi. They have an American flag to raise and a photographer to capture the moment.

Benedict Arnold complains to George Washington about his court martial for misuse of government funds.

As Booth shoots Lincoln, Lewis Payne tries and fails to assassinate Secretary of State William Seward.

With a Geneva peace conference in mind, Ho leads his troops in a siege on the French garrison in Vietnam.

Marys son John is captured in Europe and tried in a civil trial, which ends in a mistrial.

John Nash is a recognized genius while studying at Princeton and teaching at M.I.T (as C.L.E. Moore Instructor).

Green Hornet crashes in the ocean. Zamp and two men drift in a life raft, surrounded by sharks, hoping someone will find them. They exist on rainwater...

The mission is a convoluted hornets nest. US soldiers are not ready for Somali mobs who fight back. Rescue is difficult because of poor directions, na...

American ground war intensifies, but unknown to the US military, the Viet Cong plans a major offensive that will kill thousands.

With their knowledge of controlling movement, Wilbur and Orville begin by launching gliders at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.

View American and Russian aircraft that fight battles over Vietnam and drop devastating bombs and napalm.

Read a poem about the life of Jamie Bishop, a German instructor, and Ryan Clark, a 22 year-old senior in Psychology/Biology/English.

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