American History Chapters

America - still a young country by world standards - began as an experiment in self-government. This collection includes stories of America's people as they follow a path of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

Using data from bike shop experiments, the Wright brothers develop an aircraft that solves problems of flight.

Six weeks into his second term, Lincoln becomes the first President assassinated when John Wilkes Booth shoots him at Ford's Theater.

In 1957, nine black students, referred to as "The Little Rock Nine," are the first to attend an all-white school.

Read a poem about the life of Professor Liviu Librescu, an engineering teacher.

Lizzie Borden dislikes her stepmother and is accused of murdering her, with a hatchet, in the guest bedroom of the family's home.

Without Lizzie's inquest testimony, evidence against her at trial is circumstantial; although the jury acquits her, the community thinks she is guilty...

The National Child Labor Committee works for change, but still expects children to hold jobs.

After years of deadly battles, it is hard to predict which side will win the war but British leaders in London are confident of victory.

Long-lining is a commercial-fishing technique that uses about 40 miles of hooked lines to catch large fish, such as swordfish.

Information and clips about the beginnings of "The City of Angels", Los Angeles.

Louie joins the Army and drops bombs on Japanese from a B-24 bomber. The B-24 history is overwhelming in terms of crashes and loss of life.

Raoul Lufbery ("Luf") is the first ace of the Lafayette Escadrille and honored in America's National Aviation Hall of Fame for his bravery in combat.

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