American History Chapters

America - still a young country by world standards - began as an experiment in self-government. This collection includes stories of America's people as they follow a path of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

When the Dyers return to Boston, anti-Quaker sentiment is strong.

Read a poem about the life of Mary Karen Read, a 19 year-old freshman in Interdisciplinary Studies.

Mary continues to protest and is hanged, but her death leads to reforms in the religious laws.

Mary continues to protest and is hanged, but her death leads to reforms in the laws about religion.

Through one of her sons, Mary meets the actor John Wilkes Booth at her boardinghouse In Washington.

Read a poem about the life of Matthew Gwaltney, a 24 year-old second year Masters student in Environmental Engineering.

Read a poem about the life of Matt La Porte, a 20 year-old freshman in Political Science.

It's May 4, 1970, and Ohio National Guardsmen open fire on students protesting the Vietnam War at Kent State, killing 4 unarmed students and wounding ...

A white man fatally shoots Medgar Evers because he works for the NAACP and is trying to gain equal rights for blacks.

Twenty-nine Navajos enter the Marines to become code talkers in the Pacific Theater of WWII.

Learn more about eleven of the Red Tail pilots.

By 1932, Melvin Purvis is Special-Agent-in-Charge of the FBI in Chicago with the primary job of catching Dillinger.

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