American History Chapters

America - still a young country by world standards - began as an experiment in self-government. This collection includes stories of America's people as they follow a path of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

The Great Depression is a time of unparalleled despair with people literally starving.

The Great Depression is a time of unmatched despair with people literally starving.

The Great Depression is a time of unparalleled despair with people literally starving.

The Great Depression is a time of despair with people literally starving in America.

On November 28, 1775, Congressestablishesthe U.S. Navy and raise their first flag that has 13 stripes.

The damaged Mayflower finds land, but continues south in order to reach the intended destination.

People in Galveston should have received warnings of the 1900 hurricane; however, the U.S. Weather Bureau banned all data and warnings from Cuba.

A list of facts and events that make the Presidential Inauguration a unique event.

Susan realizes women will only get their rights by having the vote themselves.

Many Americans protest the United States' involvement in the Vietnam War.

More than 160,000 Allied troops land on heavily fortified French beaches. The heroic events at Normandy serve to alter the course of history.

Lewis and Clark return to Washington DC after 2.5 years of exploring. The group describes their journey, together with the plants and animals they had...

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