American History Chapters

America - still a young country by world standards - began as an experiment in self-government. This collection includes stories of America's people as they follow a path of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

An envelope emblem is Albert Fish's downfall, for it leads police to his boarding house for his arrest.

Abraham Zapruder, a local Dallas businessman who is watching President Kennedy's motorcade in Dallas, records the entire shooting.

Does the United States know about the assassination of South Korea's President Diem before it happens?

Mohamed Atta and four other hijackers seize control of the American Airlines 767 and crash it into the North Tower.

Terrorists hijack and crash American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon.

Terrorists hijack and crash United Airlines Flight 175 into the South Tower at 9:03 EDT.

Passengers aboard hijacked United Airlines Flight 93 attempt to break into the cockpit, so the hijackers crash the plane in Pennsylvania.

After the surrender of Bataan, the Japanese force soldiers on a death march.

As lawyers for both sides fought, the case grew. Eventually 648 plaintiffs joined the lawsuit. (That did not account for all the people who had lived ...

While the Battle of Bunker Hill (actually Breed's Hill) is a victory for the British, they suffer heavy losses.

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