American History Documents

America - still a young country by world standards - began as an experiment in self-government. This collection includes stories of America's people as they follow a path of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

Click on the image to see a better view of the graph. This graph, from the U.S. Social Security Administration, depicts the dramatic drop in Gross Na...

This graph depicts unemployment rates, during the Great Depression, and compares those percentages with other years (up to 2005). Click on the image ...

This graph depicts the dramatic downturn in American rates of production during the Great Depression.

When word of the disaster in Chicago spread throughout America, people (and businesses) in other cities generously donated funds to help the sufferers...

This list - a continued compilation indicating U.S. cities quickly responding to Chicago's cries for help - shows how supportive Americans were for Ch...

Throughout the country, Americans responded to Chicago's pleas for help.  When news of the disaster reached London - a city whose own residents h...

Image of the letter, signed by Guiteau, in which he details his motives for shooting President Garfield.  This image shows the first two pages of...

Image of the third page of Charles Guiteau's three-page letter in which he explains his motives for shooting President Garfield.

Image of notes by made by Guiteau at trial.

Image of notes by Guiteau at his trial, page 2.

This is the poster for Deliverance, the silent-film about Helen Keller's life.

In his book, The Underground Railroad, William Still tells the story of Henry Brown who escaped to freedom in a sealed box.  When the lid was rem...

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