American History Story Briefs

America - still a young country by world standards - began as an experiment in self-government. This collection includes stories of America's people as they follow a path of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

By May 18, 2010, an expanding oil slick resulting from Deepwater Horizon's explosion, was just off the Mississippi Delta.

After an initial explosion which killed 11 of 126 workers aboard Deepwater Horizon, the oil rig had a second explosion on April 22, 2010.

Blair Manuel - from Gonzales, Louisiana - was 56 years old on the day Deepwater Horizon exploded.

In this photo, Dale Burkeen - victim of the Deepwater Horizon explosion - is with his son, Timothy, age 6.

Jason Anderson was the most senior of the eleven men who died in the Deepwater Horizon explosion.

Roy Wyatt Kemp was scheduled to come home, for a time, the day after Deepwater Horizon exploded.

Shane Roshto, an employee of Transocean, was 22 years old on the 20th of April, 2010.

John Vachon was a photographer for the Farm Security Administration where, he helped to document American life during the Great Depression.

While he was on the run, following his escape from Washington, John Wilkes Booth recorded his thoughts in a diary. Some of its pages are missing, lead...

Slaves helped to build the White House which upset First Lady Abigail Adams. She and John Adams were the first family to move into the Executive Mansi...

The U.S. government used the domino theory to justify taking action in Vietnam. A political cartoon, however, turns that theory upside down.

Dorothea Lange, a famous American photographer who captured the plight of Depression-era people with her camera, took many still-famous pictures in th...

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