American History Story Briefs

America - still a young country by world standards - began as an experiment in self-government. This collection includes stories of America's people as they follow a path of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

"It's a Wonderful Life" is one of the most-popular films to watch during the holidays. Who was James Maitland Stewart (1908-1997), its star? Known the...

Responding to a call from Dr. King, three white Unitarian Universalist pastors travel to Selma, Montgomery. On the 9th of March, 1965, they are brutal...

Creede, Colorado was originally known as "Jimtown. It was the hometown of the famous American boxer, Jack Dempsey.

It was Joe Rosenthal who took the famous flag-raising photo at Iwo Jima.

John Adams, who was part of the Declaration-of-Independence-drafting committee, argued in favor of approving Lee's Resolution to sever the colonies' t...

On Iwo Jima's D-Day - February 19, 1945 - Basilone was a machine-gun section leader who came ashore on Red Beach 2.

John Basilone (born on November 4, 1916) was the sixth of Salvatore and Dora Basilone's ten children.

This clip provides a video biography of John Basilone, who heroically protected the airfield at Guadalcanal.

John Dunlap played a key role in disseminating important news of the day in his printed broadsides. He produced the first printed versions of America'...

In his Friendship 7 space capsule, John Glenn is the first American to orbit Earth, becoming an instant hero in the process. His historic trip takes p...

Learn about John Hancock through the Library of Congress records.

John Hancock's signature is about the only signature still legible on the highly faded document. Is the story about its signing true or legend?

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