American History Story Briefs

America - still a young country by world standards - began as an experiment in self-government. This collection includes stories of America's people as they follow a path of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

Henry Mucci needs Robert Prince - a man whom he calls my wonderful Captain - to plan the raid on Cabanatuan.

According to all reports, the men of the 332nd considered Wendell Pruitt the Fighter Group's best pilot. He was the other half - with Lt. Lee Archer ...

Ethan Allen wrote a narrative about his war experiences, including Ticonderogas fall:The authority of the Congress being very little known at the time...

A famous Apache medicine man, often referred to as an Apache chief, Geronimo remained a prisoner of war after his surrender in 1886. The U.S. federal ...

On June 7, 1900, Carrie Nation walked into a Kansas saloon and starting smashing bottles of alcoholic drinks. Her first husband was addicted to alcoho...

Susan Anthony was berated by many different publications as she continued to fight for a woman's right to vote in America.

Meet the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft, built for a soon-to-end mission to Saturn. Cassini is the orbiter; Huygens is the probe.

It didn't matter what Catherine said. People, everywhere, believed that she and her cow had started the "Great Fire."

This NASA graphic highlights the Space Shuttle Challenger, her last crew, the patches from her numerous missions and a featured spacewalk.

On the 1st of December, 1958, Our Lady of the Angels School, in Chicago, was the scene of a catastrophic fire.

Before Cesar Chavez dedicated his life to helping farm workers get a decent wage, field workers - including children - toiled long hours for unbelieva...

American children held jobs in many industries, including the cotton industry during the early 20th century. This girl was a spinner at a South Caroli...

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