American History Videos

America - still a young country by world standards - began as an experiment in self-government. This collection includes stories of America's people as they follow a path of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

To reach American lines, the beach-battle survivor has to swim four miles in shark-infested waters.

Four thousand more Japanese troops secretly arrive at Guadalcanal in late August, 1942.

How does one create a character like Hannibal Lechter?

This clip provides background on both Harriet Beecher Stowe and her influential book, Uncle Tom's Cabin.

This video clip - shot by an amateur film maker - shows the roof of the Ringling Bros.

Family members tried to identify remains of their loved ones at the Connecticut State Armory.

Newsreel footage, of the Hartford Circus Fire's aftermath, depicts the devastation which occurred on July 6, 1944.

This clip - from Legends, Icons and Superstars of the 20th Century - features Helen Keller.

This is a clip from Helen Keller: In Her Story.

Helen Keller first realized the meaning of words when her teacher (Annie Sullivan) spelled “water” (w-a-t-e-r) in her hand on the 5th of April, 18...

Between 1845 and 1847, Henry David Thoreau decided to spend two years in a small cabin - located in the woods in Concord, Massachusetts, near Walden P...

Landing in New Jersey, following a thunderstorm, one of Germany's airships - the Hindenburg - exploded on May 6, 1937.

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