American History Videos

America - still a young country by world standards - began as an experiment in self-government. This collection includes stories of America's people as they follow a path of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

Within weeks after his marriage to Peggy Shippen, a loyalist, Benedict Arnold contacted the British.

Major General Arnold, commander of American forces at West Point, was on the verge of giving the New York fort to the colonists' adversaries - the Bri...

  As America struggled during the revolutionary war, it wasn't just battles which were lost to Britain. Trade with the mother country, so vital ...

In 1949, Dr. Billy Graham traveled by train from Minneapolis to Los Angeles.

This clip, from "Delta Force: Tier 1," includes interviews with some of the men who were part of the mission which the world knows as "Black Hawk Down...

Video clip of historical footage depicting street fighting during the Black Hawk Down battle in October of 1993.

A military operation in Mogadishu, Somalia, goes terribly wrong when people on the ground shoot-down two Black Hawk helicopters. Thereafter a street b...

The Pentagon has released actual footage of the raid undertaken in "Operation Gothic Serpent," more commonly referred to as "Black Hawk Down."

Super 64 - a Black Hawk piloted by CWO3 (Chief Warrant Officer 3) Mike Durant - went down in Mogadishu on the 3rd of October, 1993.

Britain has successfully fought a very costly war in the American colonies - the French and Indian War - but now the Americans are rebelling against...

While he was still Attorney General, during his brothers administration, Bobby Kennedy told journalists that an African-American could be president of...

This is the trailer for "Bobby," a film about the assassination of Senator Kennedy by Emilio Estevez.

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