American Presidents Chapters

U.S. Presidents have varying backgrounds and political persuasions. Only one was unanimously elected. They can have little or lasting influence. These stories are about individuals with the power to make a difference at home and abroad.

The Watergate cover up and other mistakes overshadow the good things Nixon did while he was the president.

Lincoln dies at Petersen's boarding house, across the street from the Ford Theater, less than twelve hours after being shot.

Splitting atoms, called nuclear fission, creates energy (in the form of heat) called nuclear energy.

Expertsbelievethe Olmec civilization is thefirst societyin Mesoamerica and that they have awritten formof language.

Operation Anadyr takes place when Soviet troops and ballistic weapons go to Cuba.

Operation Mongoose is a failed US-government attempt to overthrow Castro and communism in Cuba.

A Daring Adventure

By 1992, Somali famine is terrible. Rebel leaders fight each other with weapons from the Soviet Union. The UN asks the US to begin Operation Restore H...

After resisting arrest, Oswald is caught at the Texas Theater.

Meet and see photographs of key Civil War participants.

There are three times as many Somalis in the mob as US soldiers. A 45-minute mission turns into hours and soldiers are put at risk by worldwide TV rep...

Discussions remain over how much the US military should have known prior to the Pearl Harbor attack; there are accusations of "miscalculations and blu...

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