American Presidents Chapters

U.S. Presidents have varying backgrounds and political persuasions. Only one was unanimously elected. They can have little or lasting influence. These stories are about individuals with the power to make a difference at home and abroad.

Eyewitness accounts confirm there were no North Vietnamese boats in sight during the alleged attack of August 4, 1964.

Robert Kennedy tells Russia it will take four or five months to remove US missiles from Turkey.

Tuskegee Institute is a flight school that graduates African American pilots.

The verdict of history, regarding governmental deceptions and lies revealed in the Pentagon Papers, may reveal that because of their publication, the ...

It is July 2, 1776. To cut all ties with Britain, the 2nd Continental Congress approves the Declaration of Independence without dissent.

Ada lives her life for her brother Jamie.

The greatest amphibious invasion in history will take place under unexpectedly good weather conditions.

John Wilkes Booth, an actor, enters the Ford's Theater Presidential box welding his derringer and a knife.

When Abe Lincoln was a young boy of seven, he nearly drowned in Knob Creek.

Lee Harvey Oswald works in Dallas. He knows the President's motorcade route will pass by the building in which he works.

Before John Wilkes Booth plans an assassination, he plans to kidnap the President and "carry him off" to Richmond, Virginia..

Thomas builds Monticello on his family's land in Virginia.

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