American Presidents Chapters

U.S. Presidents have varying backgrounds and political persuasions. Only one was unanimously elected. They can have little or lasting influence. These stories are about individuals with the power to make a difference at home and abroad.

McKinley dies as his loving wife stands near, making Leon Czolgosz a murderer.

Thomas Jefferson is the author of many famous quotes.

John Quincy Adams argues in defense of the Africans.

Booth changes his plans and kills the president at Fords Theater.

Ada learns about the power of love.

Kenny O'Donnell, another advisor, helps JFK pick Lyndon Johnson for vice-president.

The Soviet leader backs down when the US promises not to invade Cuba.

After WWII, Korea is divides into North (Russian control) and South (US control). The Russians refuse to reunify, while the South forms a new democrat...

See photographs of and articles about soldiers, civilians, destruction and death during the Korean conflict.

In retaliation for Camp Holloway, LBJ decides to bomb North Vietnam for the first time.

LBJ decides hecannot pursueanother term as president because he wants to work full time to get U.S. soldiers out of Southeast Asia.

Daniel Ellsberg and Tony Russo believe they cannot keep the Pentagon Papers secret and pass parts of them to a trusted journalist.

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