American Revolution Chapters

Britain's colonists in America were upset when Parliament passed laws interfering with their way of life. The colonies declared themselves independent and fought a war to end British control as the stories in this collection reveal.

Within two months of the Treaty of Paris, Washington resigns as Commander-in-Chief of America's military.

Colonials do not want to pay taxes to Britain since they elect no members of Parliament.

Benedict Arnold plans to make money by switching sides and helping the British win.

After the American Colonies declare their independence from Britain, the colonies begin printing their own money.

Learn more about Chief Justice John Marshall, his wife Polly, and a locket.

Warned by Paul Revere, colonial soldiers stand their ground at Lexington against the British; this begins the American Revolutionary War.

By the time a guard of British soldiers arrived at the town of Lexington - on April 19, 1775 - most of the minutemen under Captain John Parker's comma...

After years of deadly battles, it is hard to predict which side will win the war but British leaders in London are confident of victory.

Francis Marion and his troop of 150 men do their best to remain elusive while chasing the British out of South Carolina.

Adams appoints 42 judges before Jefferson takes office, but their commissions are never sent.

Learn more about Paul Revere and the Penobscot Expedition.

Even though Boone outwits the Shawnee, many think he is a traitor for surrendering without a fight.

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