American Revolution Chapters

Britain's colonists in America were upset when Parliament passed laws interfering with their way of life. The colonies declared themselves independent and fought a war to end British control as the stories in this collection reveal.

On April 30, 1789, George Washington becomes America's president. He is unanimously elected for his first term of office (as he was for his second).

On March 5, 1770, British Armysoldiers kill five civilian men and injure six others in Boston.

Within two months of the Treaty of Paris,Washington resigns fromhis job as Commander-in-Chief.

With George Washington as the Commander of their army, the colonists use rebel tactics and ambushes to hold their ground.

A military court martial charges Paul Revere with cowardice and disobedience.

Jefferson believes the colonies should become free states.

In order to sever all ties with Great Britain, Congress approves the Declaration of Independence.

Some see Boone's decision to surrender to the Shawnee to protect his men and the fort as a traitorous betrayal.

With flies buzzing around him, from nearby stables, Tom Jefferson drafts a Declaration of Independence. Going against the norms of society, Jefferson'...

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