American Revolution Story Briefs

Britain's colonists in America were upset when Parliament passed laws interfering with their way of life. The colonies declared themselves independent and fought a war to end British control as the stories in this collection reveal.

The Tigris River forms the eastern boundary of Mesopotamia. Here are some key facts about this important body of water.

Although the American Colonies have declared their independence from Britain, General Washington and his men are losing on the battlefields. Then Wash...

Benjamin Franklin came through for America when he negotiated a Treaty of Alliance with France on February 6, 1778.

Two years after the end of hostilities between America and Britain, the parties signed the Treaty of Paris. Peace between the two countries remained n...

According to the U.S. Army Center of Military History, Washington's troops were poorly clothed and hungry when they attacked at Trenton. Confident tha...

After the Declaration of Independence was signed, the Continental Congress authorized a new form of currency to be used throughout the United Colonies...

Image of George Mason's handwritten Declaration of Rights which he drafted in May, 1776.

Why pick Christmas night for this attack? Washington knew that Hessian soldiers, fighting for Britain, liked to celebrate holidays. Maybe the Patriots...

After Patriots forced General Howe and his fleet out of Boston, the Brits sailed into New York Harbor in June of 1776.

General Washington was nearly fifty-two when he decided to retire from military life and return to his Mount Vernon plantation.

In this disastrous battle, from the patriots perspective, a tired and outnumbered British force (led by Banastre Tarleton) routed the Americans (led b...

The war for independence was finally over, but a cash-strapped Congress had, for years, failed to pay the Continental Armys officers and soldiers. How...

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