Ancient Places and/or Civilizations Chapters

The very land we call "ours" once belonged to others. How did ancient people live on that land? What was important to them? Are we more alike than we are different? Explore this collection to find answers.

Vikings are Scandinavians who sail from their lands to explore, plunder and settle other areas.

China has beautiful mountains once covered by trees, but many forest areas are being destroyed.

The Muslim faith continues to grow rapidly, second only to Christianity, and still follows many ancient rituals of Islam.

After initial resistance, Muhammad's teachings bring change to Mecca; he later dies in Medina and is buried in his mosque.

Muhammad has an experience in the holy city of Mecca that changes his life and the history of the world.

The experience in the cave where Muhammad hears the word "Iqraa" reveals Muhammad to be "God's Chosen One".

Mumbai (formerly Bombay) comes under Great Britain's control in 1661 as part of a marriage treaty.

Of all the mummies in the world, the most famous are Egyptian pharaohs such as King Tut.

The Islamic faith that spreads rapidly after Muhammad shows that Islam is a way of life, not merely a religion.

Navajo families lead traditional lives; women raise children, sheep and weave rugs, while men cultivate and harvest corn.

Neanderthals invent a type of adhesive (from birch wood) and use fire.

New discoveries of known and unknown dinosaurs continue to provide new information about Earth's past.

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