Ancient Places and/or Civilizations Chapters

The very land we call "ours" once belonged to others. How did ancient people live on that land? What was important to them? Are we more alike than we are different? Explore this collection to find answers.

In the ancient world, including Greeks and Romans, physicians believed that the human body was comprised of four different "humors." If those humors w...

Words describing rabies, going back to ancient times, are all based on fear. It is a disease from which people die if they develop symptoms.

Indonesians decide to get rid of native trees and replace them with more valuable oil palm trees.

The Babylonians worship at Ziggurats and have many gods; the most famous is Marduk.

Using an early form of democracy, Greek city-states fight to keep their rights.

Rome dominates the Jews and their county while Jesus preaches love and forgiveness.

Britons seek help from Angles, Saxons and Jutes to keep out invaders; before long, those helpers also become attacking invaders.

The tomb of Philip II reveals artifacts that show what life is like in the time of Alexander the Great.

The Catholic Church makes Nicholas a saint and his feast day is the anniversary of his death: December 6.

The Catholic Church makes Nicholas a saint and his feast day is the anniversary of his death: December 6.

Saint Nicholas of Bari is kind to children, protects sailors and gives generously of himself and his material possessions.

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