Ancient Places and/or Civilizations Chapters

The very land we call "ours" once belonged to others. How did ancient people live on that land? What was important to them? Are we more alike than we are different? Explore this collection to find answers.

Since the time of Ulysses, the Greek island of Cephalonia has a rich history of folk tales, tragedies, artifacts and winemaking.

Ying Zheng, China's first emperor builds a Terra Cotta Army to protect him in the afterlife.

Twenty-three centuries after Qin Shi Hung-Di's death, his army of Terra Cotta warriors is found, reminding the world of his power.

The Ancient Hawaiians did many things to protect their environment, read to find out how.

England gets its name from the large number of Angles who live in southern Britain; the area referred to as Angle-land.

Tony Mendez gets all six U.S. diplomats out of Iran.

Judas betrays Jesus, and the soldiers arrest him without resistance.

Judas betrays Jesus, and the soldiers arrest him without resistance.

Jesus begins his journey carrying his cross, after being stripped, crowned with thorns, and humiliated.

Jesus begins his journey carrying his cross; soldiers strip him, crown him with thorns, and then humiliate him.

Discovered in caves of Qumran, the Dead Sea Scrolls are the oldest-known surviving manuscripts of the Hebrew Scriptures.

When Jesus brings his friend Lazarus back from the dead, the plot to kill him begins.

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