Ancient Places and/or Civilizations Chapters

The very land we call "ours" once belonged to others. How did ancient people live on that land? What was important to them? Are we more alike than we are different? Explore this collection to find answers.

Long before the days of the printing press, Hebrew scribes copy the Scriptures by hand.

"Jurassic" is a period of history named for the Jura Mountains that border France and Switzerland.

Leonardo da Vinci renders a masterpiece fresco as he interprets the story of Jesus and his disciples sharing a Passover meal. During that meal, Jesus ...

At the Passover meal, Jesus tells his disciples that one of them will betray him.

The Catholic Church rules that the Vulgate, which St. Jerome translates, is the only authorized Latin version of the Bible.

King Oinomaos challenges all his daughter's suitors to a life-or-death chariot race. He loses to Pelops who organizes commemorative games in Olympia.

Wanting his gifts to be anonymous, legend says Nicholas would throw gold coins into open windows of houses or down chimneys.

Wanting his gifts to be anonymous, Nicholas (according to the legend) throws gold coins into open windows of houses or down chimneys.

The Mahdi and his soldiers, known as dervishes, kill Egyptians who refuse to adopt his version of Islam; slave trade resumes and alcohol is forbidden.

It is due to the bravery of Leonidas' 300 that Athens and the rest of Greece continue to fight the Persians.

The Navajo Nation governs itself through tribal councils; children are educated at "white" schools, it is hard work to build homes and roads in rugged...

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