Ancient Places and/or Civilizations Chapters

The very land we call "ours" once belonged to others. How did ancient people live on that land? What was important to them? Are we more alike than we are different? Explore this collection to find answers.

Begun in AD 122, Hadrian's Wall is a barrier that protectsRoman Britain from invaders.

Hammurabi unites and creates a better life for his people, who learn cuneiform as a type of writing.

Hammurabi codifies 282 laws on a tall stele (slab) using cuneiform script.

Qin Shi Huang-Di buries people alive and performs other harsh measures in battle and while building the Great Wall and his Mausoleum.

Heorot is the Danish King Hrothgar's mead-hall, which Beowulf defends against the monster Grendel.

Machu Picchu is an extremely important part of the Inca Empire. It is located high in the Andes and mummies are found there in 1911.

Much of the southern part of Britain is occupied by Angles; the area, called Angle-land, later becomes England.

The Anglo-Saxon attacks are harsh and frequent and the Britons are not able to stop them.

In Denmark, the body of a man from the Iron Age is found; it is the peat bog that causes the mummified remains to be so well preserved.

The Ayatollah moves to France and begins to air his views in order to make his country into an Islamic Republic.

Jai Ho is a song that celebrates the ability of humans to transform their lives, and rise above the worst of circumstances

This image depicts “Supper at Emmaus,” one of Caravaggio’s best-known works which he created in 1601.  An oil-on-canvas, which ...

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