Ancient Places and/or Civilizations Story Briefs

The very land we call "ours" once belonged to others. How did ancient people live on that land? What was important to them? Are we more alike than we are different? Explore this collection to find answers.

King Tut's death mask has an inscription on its back and sides.

Beyond the beauty of the death mask of King Tut, what does it mean? How was it worn?

This map depicts Trasimeno Lake, and its nearby towns, located in the heart of Italy.

The ancient Laws of Eshnunna, which scholars believe predate the Code of Hammurabi, contain a "mad dog law" specifying compensation if a rabid dog kil...

History tells us that the runner from Marathon to Athens was Pheidippides, but there is more to uncover about his story

Madagascar is an ancient island, adrift in the Indian Ocean. Much of it is unlike anywhere else on Earth.

Sir David Attenborough explains how part of Africa and India was split-off, to exist on its own as the island of Madagascar, and introduces us to some...

From the BBC's "Planet Dinosaur," we see a clip of Majungasaurus behaving in a most extraordinary way - as a cannibal.

Mars, the Roman god of war, was considered a mighty warrior while his counterpart for the Greeks, Ares, was viewed as a coward.

Why is Maui the "magic island?" A charming folklore story tells us about Maui, the demigod, who created the Hawaiian Islands.

Did ancient people view volcanic eruptions differently than we do?

Montezuma II placates the Spaniards, which ultimately means the demise of his empire.

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