Aviation & Space Exploration Chapters

From ancient to modern times, people have studied "the heavens" and wondered "what's out there?" Technology helps us to take a closer look. Meet the pioneers of space and aviation in this collection of stories.

Operation Restore Hopes begins as a way to protect food supplies. Then President Clinton must order more soldiers and helicopters to Somalia.

Mogadishu is a combat zone between rebels when US troops arrive. The task is to capture Omar Salad and Mohamed Hassan Awale, aides to Mohamed Farrah A...

Examine notable nebulae.

Despite advice of scouts, Bean and DePodesta use James's system to pick the 2002 Oakland A's team members.

Howard Hughes' father, along with many others, was a fortune-seeker lured by Texas oil.

Without food or supplies soldiers on Bataan cannot resist Japanese advances. They are angry that MacArthur left and know that surrender is near.

By 1992, Somali famine is terrible. Rebel leaders fight each other with weapons from the Soviet Union. The UN asks the US to begin Operation Restore H...

Small ceramic tiles on the surface of space shuttles protect against high temperatures on reentry to earth.

Pan Am 1736 and KLM 4805 head for disaster.

Perpignan is in southern France and home to Castillet, a former prison.

American manufacturers design military planes, uniforms and helmets in an attempt to protect pilots.

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