Aviation & Space Exploration Story Briefs

From ancient to modern times, people have studied "the heavens" and wondered "what's out there?" Technology helps us to take a closer look. Meet the pioneers of space and aviation in this collection of stories.

Allied forces searching for Nazi scientists discovered a hidden nuclear reactor and the world's first fighter jet developed under Hitler's rule.

All the Allies wanted to capture Wernher von Braun. On the morning of April 11, 1945, the Americans found his underground production facility.

Scientists working for Hitler's Third Reich continued to work, after the war, but for the United States. Historians believe that the U.S. rocket progr...

This image depicts a view of the Horsehead Nebula. Click on the image to see an even-more sensational view of the photo.NASA’s Astronomy Picture...

Hubble, the orbiting space telescope, transmits unbelievably beautiful images to Earth. One of its most extraordinary images is this infrared view of ...

When the orbiting space telescope known as Hubble was first released, it had blurry-vision! Astronauts, aboard a space shuttle, were sent to repair it...

What makes Hubble able to "see" such amazing vistas in space? Her "Optical Telescope Assembly" has something to do with capturing incredible images.

Hubble, the orbiting space telescope, was carried into space by the crew of the space shuttle Discovery.

Huck Finn tells us that Jim, Miss Watson's African-American helper, tells great stories which travel far and wide.

Catch a ride on the Cassini spacecraft and watch as its Huygens probe lands on the surface of Titan, Saturn's largest moon!

On the 4th of July, 2005, an 820-pound copper projectile called IMPACTOR struck a comet named Tempel 1. Watch an animation of that significant event.

Is the story about Isaac Newton and the falling apple true or just a legend? A 1752 manuscript may provide an answer.

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