Aviation & Space Exploration Story Briefs

From ancient to modern times, people have studied "the heavens" and wondered "what's out there?" Technology helps us to take a closer look. Meet the pioneers of space and aviation in this collection of stories.

When technicians are checking whether the O-rings are properly seated, on the space shuttles Solid Rocket Motor, they check for potential leaks.

During the era of shuttle missions, each shuttle launch included two solid rocket boosters (SRB) which helped to fuel the first minutes of flight.

This drawing depicts a solid rocket booster (at the top of the image) and its various segments and joints.

During World War II, the American government wants a very large plane to be used in the war effort. Howard Hughes helps to make that happen, but his ...

Meet Laika, the first living creature to fly in space 60 years ago, on November 3, 1957. Learn what really happened to her.

The SR-71, also know as the Blackbird, is the world's fastest airplane.

A routine flight turns into a near-disaster when volcanic ash causes all four engines on a 747 to fail at 37,000 feet.

STS-1 was the mission name for NASA's first shuttle launch. The first shuttle to orbit the Earth was ''Columbia.'' It lifted off April 12, 1981.

This NASA video explains Super Moons (and why they are so bright and beautiful).

In a nearby galaxy, known as the Small Magellanic Cloud, we can see the remnants of a supernova - a star which has exploded. It makes for spectacular ...

Super Moons are awesome, but April's Super Pink Moon is spectacular!

European Landing Sites for Shuttle Flights - What happens if the shuttle crew detects a problem, after launch, while the orbiter is over the Atlantic?

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