Censorship Chapters

When governments, or other institutions, want to control what people think and say, they censor what people write and speak. The stories in this collection are about various forms of censorship.

Book burnings resume in the 20th century, as governments such as the Nazis destroy manuscripts.

During WWII, a limited federal budget fuels a successful poster campaign for war bonds and stamps.

After the papers are made public, Ellsberg and Russo are tried, but the case is dismissed.

Book burning ends as the Middle Ages draw to a close, but censorship continues.

Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 were peaceful but because of the laws in China during this time, the protestors were still breaking the law.

The end of the students protests were later referred to as the Beijing Massacre- the world was watching and reacting.

After the Tiananmen Square Massacre, Chai Ling was forced into hiding and later was able to leave the country to continue living outside of China in e...

Even though the American Bill of Rights protects freedom of speech, Americans practice censorship.

Jackie Robinson is politically independent but fights for civil rights.

SC Standards 8-4.2: Analyze how sectionalism arose from racial tension, including the Denmark Vesey Plot, slave codes, and the growth of the abolitio...

Jackie Robinson faces charges of being disrespectful to investigating officers, rather than refusing to move to the rear of the bus.

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