Censorship Chapters

When governments, or other institutions, want to control what people think and say, they censor what people write and speak. The stories in this collection are about various forms of censorship.

Dyer protests the harsh anti-Quaker laws and is caught, tried, and threatened with hanging.

Hitler creates the Nuremberg Laws to discriminate against Jews.

Within a year after Bonhoeffer and his colleagues started the Confessing Church, the Nazis were no longer content to merely humiliate Jews. Why mere...

A detailed description of concentration camps that are part of Hitler's "Final Solution.'

Hitler charged Heinrich Himmler with carrying out the "Final Solution" - the Nazis' plan to rid Germany of all Jews and other political undesirables. ...

Artwork created by inmates and Soviet propaganda posters show details about prison life.

Powerful allies are unable to reunite Edgardo with his parents.

8-3.4 Many factors arise to divide a new nation--Federalists and Anti-Federalists

Jackie Robinson grows up in California where, after youthful troubles, he becomes an expert athlete in football, basketball, baseball and track.

During World War II there is a policy of racial discrimination in the military, but Lt. Jack Robinson decides to challenge that policy.

Jackie Robinson refuses to leave his seat on a bus and subsequently faces a court martial.

This chapter details how Jacaobo first found his voice

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