Character Education Story Briefs

What better way for a youth to explore issues of character and to find their ethical center than through stories? Here is a collection of inspirational and thought-provoking stories to fuel that search.

Chinese laborers help to build the American West, but how are the workers treated as they build their new country?

Emotionally upset, and in the throes of depression, Verdi makes a decision. It is 1840, and he's had it with composing music. Then ... an unexpected e...

Victor Emmanuel II became the first king of Italy in 1861. Ten years later, the entire country was united under his rule.

Although his paintings sell for millions of dollars today, Vincent van Gogh was unable to sell his artwork during his lifetime. Who was this prolific ...

Lt. General Walter Krueger was head of the U.S. Sixth Army in late 1943.

Wendell Phillips (1811-1884) was an orator (among other things) who spoke publicly against slavery.

An epic is a story, usually in the form of a narrative poem, featuring a hero who prevails despite terrible odds.

When Lt. Col Tuan refused to teach saboteurs how to drive tanks, during the Vietnam War, those saboteurs murdered Tuan, then machine-gunned his wife, ...

This facsimile image of President Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address contains the famous phrase: "With malice toward none; with charity for all; with ...

The young life of this past pope took place in Nazi occupied Poland.

Beyond rationing gas for their cars, people helped in the war effort by removing their metal car bumpers and replacing them with wooden ones.

On Veterans Day, we honor those who served. Horrific facial injuries were a serious by-product of trench warfare during WWI. A developing area of medi...

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