Character Education Story Briefs

What better way for a youth to explore issues of character and to find their ethical center than through stories? Here is a collection of inspirational and thought-provoking stories to fuel that search.

Years after a whale destroyed his ship, the Essex, Thomas Nickerson wrote a narrative and drew pictures about the tragedy. This facsimile depicts his ...

Soldiers in WWI trenches were at risk for shrapnel wounds which could severely damage their faces.

During the summer of 1964, university students from various places in the U.S. travel to Mississippi. Their plan is to help register African-Americans...

After Schwerner, Chaney and Goodman went missing - following their release from questioning at Sheriff Lawrence Raineys jail - hundreds of people look...

Continental Army General Horatio Gates was a war hero, but he was also ready to lead a mutiny after the Revolutionary War was over. It was called the ...

Although no known images of George Pollard, Jr., survive, the Nantucket Historical Association has a facsimile of his signature.

Photograph of the Granicus River as it appears today. Alexander the Great and his troops defeated the Persians at this river in 334 BC.

Gildas, an ancient chronicler, tells us that after Rome's legions left Britannia, intruders invaded the shores of the country we now know as Britain.

In this fictional setting, at Jurassic World, scientists working in the "Hammond Creation Lab" follow a detailed process to produce new dinosaur attra...

Dr. Harold Gillies innovated a procedure known as the "tubed pedicle" to help restore the faces of men injured during WWI.

Helen Keller became the first non-seeing, non-hearing person to enroll in an institution for higher learning - and then to graduate with a degree.

When twenty of the shipwrecked crew of the Essex arrive at Henderson Island, three decide to stay. They had previously discovered a cave on the island...

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