Civil Rights Chapters

Are people born free? Do governments give rights to citizens or do citizens give-up some rights in exchange for good government? These are stories about people seeking and achieving their civil rights.

South Carolina History Standard 8-5.4 Summarize the policies and actions of South Carolina's political leadership implementing discriminatory laws tha...

In the medieval world, “The Devil” was sometimes depicted as a frightening character who visited someone who had died (among other things)...

Children, especially in Great Britain, have to suffer family issues, as well as a lack of food and supplies.

Describes how we honor the memory of Harriet Tubman and what she accomplished.

Harriet Tubman decides she must try to find freedom by escaping slavery.

How, and why, did Harriet Tubman help the Union Army during the American Civil War?

Dyer protests the harsh anti-Quaker laws and is caught, tried, and threatened with hanging.

Dyer protests the harsh anti-Quaker laws and is caught, tried, and threatened with hanging.

Three methods of torture are very painful, the head crusher, the rack, and water torture.

T. C. Williams High School hires a black head coach, Herman Boone, to lead the school's desegregated football team.

Heinrich Himmler plans to hide the "evacuation" of the Jews from the world, assuring the Nazis that this is a noble cause.

Concentration camps, some of which are forced-labor camps and others "death camps," are part of Hitler's "Final Solution." Buchenwald and Flossenburg ...

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