Civil Rights Chapters

Are people born free? Do governments give rights to citizens or do citizens give-up some rights in exchange for good government? These are stories about people seeking and achieving their civil rights.

Africans are brought to the "new world" under inhumane conditions.

There are ultimately 38 American pilots in the Lafayette Flying Corps who fly for France in WWI.

The Underground Railroad poses incredible risks and uses railroad terms to keep the passages secret.

When slavery ends, many former slaves face incredible obstacles.

Despite the First Amendment, some still try to destroy what they do not understand or believe in.

Desmond decides to sue the government to get his children back.

Politics are changing when Edgardo Mortara is removed from his family, and the event makes world news.

LBJ decides hecannot pursueanother term as president because he wants to work full time to get U.S. soldiers out of Southeast Asia.

When Japanese-Americans are forced to leave their homes, due to Executive Order 9066, they give away their possessions.

After the war, Jesse and his gang rob banks, stages and trains that belong to Northern interests.

The courts recognize the wrong in Japanese-American internment camps and overturn convictions. Decades later, the federal government makes an effort a...

Solomon Northup, known as "Platt," experiences slave life in Louisiana with a "good master" and a "bad master."

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