Civil Rights Chapters

Are people born free? Do governments give rights to citizens or do citizens give-up some rights in exchange for good government? These are stories about people seeking and achieving their civil rights.

Tributes, one boy and one girl from each district, fight to the death in the Hunger Games.

The Seam is the poorest part of District 12 and where Katniss and her family and friends live.

Edgardo is taken from his parents, despite protests from his family and community.

Olaudah Equiano writes of his own experiences as an African child kidnapped into slavery.

When founding Pennsylvania, Penn creates laws modeled on freedom.

Unable to read or write their language, the rights of peasants are not important and their struggles ignored.

African-American slaves are bought and sold like animals in the country's system of chattel slavery.

Photographic proof of the Holocaust exists, despite some who say it never happened.

Charley Williams shares his life story about what it was like to live as a slave on a plantation.

While helping to build a home for the Epps family, Platt (Solomon Northup) meets a Canadian man called Bass. That meeting will change Platt's life.

With an intermediate stop in Richmond (Virginia), Solomon Northup (now known by his slave-name "Platt") spends time in another slave pen before he boa...

In 1971, the U.S. is fighting a war in Vietnam that many Americansdo not support.

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